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Christmas Message from EuroCOP President


We include a Christmas message below from Anna Nellberg Dennis, the President of EuroCOP.


Dear Colleagues,

Christmas and the advent of a new year provide an opportunity to reflect on the year just gone and the one ahead, and to spend some time with family and friends.

This year has been another year full of continuous change within the European Policing Community and I have been extremely encouraged and energised by member organisations hard and dedicated work in helping their membership, and assist in progressing the work of our organisation.

Let us look forward to the challenges that 2015 and beyond shall bring, confident that by working together we can have a prominent say in how European Policing will develop in the coming years.

Let us also share our thoughts with our colleagues who will be working and keeping us safe over the holiday period.

On behalf of the EuroCOP ExCom I wish you and your families a peaceful holiday and a prosperous New Year.

With warm regards,

Anna Nellberg Dennis